Taking Care of Your Musculoskeletal System with Chiropractic Care

Do you have arthritis? Do your joints hurt? Do you have sciatica? How about any back pain? Neck pain? Let’s face it, your body thrives on a healthy musculoskeletal system. Your musculoskeletal system is the network of all your muscles, bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments that give us the ability to perform our daily activities. Dr. Teachout is here to help reduce and prevent that pain and discomfort. So, come see us at Teachout Chiropractic and Wellness Center and start your journey to a healthier, happier you!
How Can a Chiropractor Help with my Arthritis?
So, let’s get to the nitty gritty of what arthritis is. It isn’t a single disease, and there are more than 100 different types of arthritis. Arthritis is an informal way of referring to joint disease. The most common symptoms of arthritis include swelling, pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion but are not limited to these symptoms. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, it can make doing the simplest of tasks a difficult chore for you, such as walking up or down the stairs. Sometimes these changes can be visible, maybe knobby finger joints. Often, however, the damage can only be seen on X-Ray.
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and one of the most common types of arthritis treated here at Teachout Chiropractic and wellness. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between the bones wears away and you have bone on bone contact which in turn causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. Regular Chiropractic treatment can help balance the support around these bones properly along with relieving some of the stress in the muscles around these bones to help reduce the pain and inflammation. There isn’t a cure for arthritis but Dr. Teachout’s goal is to maximize the function of the arthritic joint and minimize the symptoms to get you back to a more comfortable life.
How Can a Chiropractor Help with my Sciatica?
Did you know that the sciatic nerve branches from the lower back through your hips, and down each leg? Sciatica refers to pain that will radiate through this area of your body. Sciatica occurs most commonly when a herniated disc, or an overgrowth of a bone (bone-spur) compresses part of the nerve, causing inflammation pain and sometimes even numbness in the leg. As I’m sure you can image with that area of the body simple things like walking, sitting, getting out of chair or car, even bending can be difficult and painful. So how will chiropractic care help? Well, the purpose of chiropractic care is to free restricted movement of the spinal structure (in this case whatever is pinching your sciatic nerve) and to help restore misaligned vertebra which will reduce nerve irritability (here again your sciatic nerve will be getting relief) which often is the cause for inflammation, muscle spasms, pain, and other symptoms.
Dr. Teachout is here to help determine the best course of treatment to help reduce your sciatic pain!
How Can a Chiropractor Help Prevent Future Musculoskeletal Problems?
As stated above, the purpose of chiropractic care is to free restricted movement of the spinal structure and to help restore misaligned vertebra which will reduce nerve irritability which often is the cause for inflammation, muscle spasms, pain, and other symptoms. Keeping your body in proper alignment will help reduce the risk of these happening as bad posture, lifting improperly, being inactive and improper alignment all play a role in these conditions.
One of the biggest concerns with conditions like arthritis and sciatica, is the tenderness and fear of a manual adjustment being too rough on an already tender body. This is also a concern for those new to chiropractic care. Well this is where Dr. Teachout shines brightest. With new technology he has a less invasive way to adjust your body. It’s called instrument assisted adjusting. With the Impulse IQ Dr. Teachout can manipulate and adjust your body without the force of a manual adjustment. He can and does still incorporate some manual techniques and treats each individual as just that, an individual. Your treatment won’t be like the patient before you or after you because your pain is your own. So, come see Dr. Teachout and start on your journey to a healthier, happier you!
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